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What is the secret gallery?

You can upload images that should not be accessible to all members to the "secret image gallery". Select the option "to the secret gallery" when uploading the images. This means that these images are only visible to members whom you authorise to access them.

Just like with the secret picture gallery, you can also use your video management to create personalised videos that can only be viewed by selected members.

Members who do not have your permission will only see a placeholder instead of the video/picture.

To allow someone access to your secret gallery, you must first save him/her as a favourite or friend.
You can choose whether the member is allowed to view your secret gallery. If the person is already a friend of yours or saved as a favourite, you can change the options under Friends and Favourites by clicking on the 'Change' button next to the user name.

Note: A secret gallery can only be created with a Premium or VIP membership!

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