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FAQs about Friends & Favorites

All about friends and favourites

  • Can everyone see my friends?

    You can set this yourself. In the friends list, you can click on Edit for each friend and set whether they should be publicly visible as your friend and whether your name should appear on their profil...

  • How do I send a friend request?

    Call up the desired profile and click on the menu button (far right) 'Save', then on the selection field 'As friend'. Now you can add a personal message to your friend request. You can also choose fr...

  • Why can't I send new friend requests?

    A normal member can save a maximum of 50 friends, whereas a premium member can save 100. Friend requests that have not yet been answered are counted as potential friends. If your limit has been reach...

  • How do I delete a friend from my friends list and what happens then?

    If you want to remove a friend or favourite from your list, click on the small edit icon in the friends box in your profile. There is a delete button in the form of a rubbish bin on the right-hand si...

  • What is the difference between favourites and friends?

    The difference is that when a favourite is created, no request is sent to save it. Favourites can be viewed as bookmarks for members that are of particular interest to you. To be able to save someone...

  • How can I edit my friend list?

    To edit or delete a friend take the following steps: * Click on 'Friends' (left-hand menu, next to 'Who's Online') * Click '+' * Select from the list the friend you want to edit  * Click the ...