Start a conversation

FAQs on the chat and video chat feature

  • How can I start a private conversation?

    There are three options to do this: 1. Double-click on the name in the member's list 2. Right hand click on the member's name and select 'send a private message.' 3. Click on the name in the member...

  • How can I open a member's profile from the chat?

    Right-click on a name in the user list to open a menu. The first option is 'Profile from nickname'. Click on this to display the profile. You can also click on the user name in the list once with the...

  • How can I change the font size in the chat?

    You can easily change the font size in the chat. Once you have opened the chat window, click on Settings in the top right-hand corner. You can select the font size in the centre of the new window. ...

  • I can't log in to the chat. What can I do?

    The chat may take a few minutes to load. If 'Connection is being established' is still displayed, there may be a problem with the connection. Try the following: * Click on 'Please reload the page' ...

  • How can I show myself to other chatters via my webcam?

    If you click on the 'Start webcam' icon in the top right-hand corner, a small window will open in which you can start the video transmission.  As soon as you have answered the Flash security enquiry ...

  • How can I only show myself to a specific member via webcam?

    Firstly, you must start a private conversation with the corresponding chatter (e.g. by double-clicking on their name in the user list). If you now click on the 'Start webcam' icon in the private chat...