Fetish.com is packed full of kinky content; however, as a free-to-use platform, to view all the explicit NSFW images and videos that members upload; first, we need to verify that you're over 18 years ...
All Fetish.com members can upload photos and videos, which then get classified into three categories: SFW (Safe for Work) ASFW (Almost Safe for Work) NSFW (Not Safe for Work) As Premium or VIP membe...
Taking the 18+ check is quick and easy to do via webcam. Follow the steps below. After you’ve purchased or redeemed your Premium or VIP membership, connect your webcam and close all external program...
As long as your Premium or VIP membership is active, your 18+ check will be valid. If you cancel your membership, you'll lose your 18+ check. ...
If you've purchased or redeemed points for a Premium or VIP membership, you'll still need to prove your age by taking the 18+ check. If you're unable to view any NSFW content after taking the 18+ chec...